This second POF series is designed to explore the “big issues” that many faith traditions address. Each week we will look at the common concerns and the different responses from many of the traditions we got to know during series #1, examining texts and stories.
Tuesday, April 7 – Creation
How did we come to be? What are the fundamentals of origin stories from across the faith spectrum? What are they saying about the known and unknown?
Tuesday, April 14 – The Meaning of Life
How do we know we exist? Why are we here? How do the different traditions’ answers inform their practices?
Tuesday, April 21 – After Death
Where do we go when we die? What do different traditions teach us about this life/death process?
Tuesday, April 28 – Love-Forgiveness-Compassion-Peace-Wisdom
How is forgiveness seen in different traditions? Why is it necessary? How do the different traditions teach us how to love those we find hard to love? How are peace and wisdom viewed across the faith spectrum?
Tuesday, May 5 – Why do we suffer?
Is suffering deserved? Do we create it ourselves? What can we learn from suffering? How do we engage in practices that help us deal with suffering?
Time: 7-9 pm
Place: Zion Lutheran Church, 1501 W. Liberty, AA
Cost: $75 per person (includes most materials and refreshments)
Can pay using DONATE button on this site or send a check to P.O. 3653, Ann Arbor, MI 48106-3653