IRT invites you to a virtual interview with Carson Smith to discuss the spiritual practice and personal commitment to peacemaking. On January 6, we will reach the one year anniversary of the insurrection. We know that we live in a time of great division in our nation and around the world. How are we called to peacemaking — the deep work of upholding vulnerable people as we promote safety and collective flourishing?
Carson Smith grew up in Flushing, Michigan and is a graduate of the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy at the University of Michigan. During his college years, he was a member of First Presbyterian Church of Ann Arbor where he maintains many friendships. After commencement, he spent a year living in Colombia as part of the Young Adult Volunteers (YAV) program of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A). During that time, he built relationships in a rural community, learned about land rights, and explored the history and present conditions around the Colombian Peace Accords. Then he spent an additional YAV year working at the Presbyterian Mission to the United Nations in New York City. Additionally, he has spent time in Palestine as an accompanier, learning about the conflicts in Israel and Palestine while accompanying children and adults as they walk to work, school, and community events.
Now Carson Smith is a law student at the University of Texas, and he is exploring how law can be a crucial component in peacemaking. We will hear how he is reflecting on questions of peacemaking through his studies. For the first hour of our time together, Renee Roederer will interview him, and in the following half hour, we will have a time of Q&A.
Please join us by registering at this link below:
Zoom Registration for Interview with Carson Smith
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